Being Fair To Ernie Statistics In Your World 
Student Notes  
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Brief Description
Aims and Objectives
Equipment and Planning
Section A - Games For Three
Section B - Random Numbers
Section C - Premium Bonds
Test Questions
Test Questions - Answers
Connections with Other Units

Brief Description

Starting with the idea of fairness, this unit develops a method of random sampling using random numbers, which is then applied to the selection process behind premium bonds.

The premium bond situation is modelled by a simple simulation game Ernie in which some associated flaws and fallacies are studied.

Design Time: approximately 4 hours.


Aims and Objectives

On completion of this unit pupils should be able to draw up their own random number tables using a suitable randomizing device, and to use random number tables to draw a small sample from any population up to 100 whose members can be numbered.

They should be more aware of the connection between random selection and equally likely outcomes, some of the problems in making numbers truly random and some phenomena which exhibit random variation.

They should understand the statistical basis to premium bonds, and they will have practised reading and interpreting data presented in tabuhr and bar chart form.



For one part of B1, which can be omitted, pupils need to be able to use a pair of compasses and a protractor and to understand the words radius, radii and polygon. Optional questions require the drawing of bar charts, and it will help if pupils have previously drawn simple bar charts.


Equipment and Planning

Approximately 200 plastic counters or beads are needed in Section A and 100 in Section C. Coins and dice are needed in Section A, together with squared paper and a container (a bag) from which to draw numbers. Compasses, ruler, protractors, card and a 'nail' and scissors are needed in Section B as well as dice and coins. One 10 by 10 square would be useful in Section C for recording the purchase of premium bonds, numbered 0-99.

Individual working is possible in Sections A and B Section A uses easy games with dice and coins to establish the ideas of fairness and equal likelihood. The last two games introduce the basic idea of random numbers and random sampling. Section B develops the ideas of random numbers more fully and leads to the more formal use of random number tables. Section C uses random number tables to show how Ernie selects prize-winners from premium bond holders.


Detailed Notes

Section A

Pupils need to be grouped in threes for all games in this section. (It may be useful to give names Ann, Brian and Charles to the members of each group for all the games.) It is recommended that each group plays either A1 and A2 or A3 and A4 and then moves on to A5, A6 and A7.

It should be emphasized that if each has an equal chance of winning it is a fair game. It is not a question of whether or not it is possible to cheat.

The fairness or unfairness should show up in the results, though allowance must be made for random variation. Collecting chss results should dispel any doubts about fairness. The bar charts are optional though they can provide visual evidence of fairness or bias.

Theoretical explanations which involve looking at equally likely outcomes may be given to brighter pupils.

A FAIR game.

Theoretical results come from:

Winner Throw
C B A A B C Throw


An UNFAIR game.

Suppose Brian always calls Heads against Ann, and Charles always calls Tails. Then theoretical results come from:

H H Brian wins
H T Charles wins
T H Ann wins
T T Charles wins

Ann and Brian have a 50% chance of being eliminated at the first throw (semi-final). Charles cannot be eliminated until the second throw (final). Charles has probability 1/2 of winning; Ann and Brian have probability 1/4 each of winning.

Assuming an unbiased die, this game is clearly FAIR.

An UNFAIR game.

Brian, choosing Head and a Tail, has more chance of winning. Theoretical results came from:

1st coin 2nd coin Results
H H Ann wins
H T Brian wins
T H Brian wins
T T Charles wins

The three outcomes double Head, Head and Tail, double Tail are not equally likely. The results of the game should emphasize this.

A5 and A6
Between them these two games involve the ideas behind random numbers. A5 involves numbers but not randomness. A6 involves randomness but not with numbers.

A5 is UNFAIR since no-one writes down numbers at random; there is usually a preponderance of 3's and 7's, and rather fewer 1's and 9's. A6 should be FAIR if the pieces of paper are identical, folded the same way and there is adequate mixing. This may need stressing with the pupils.

This is a summary of results so far. Question b indicates that even in a fair game random variation is present. With 20 counters it is not possible for three players each to win the same number of counters. Question c is designed to draw out the fact that playing the game a large number of times leads to greater certainty about its fairness or otherwise.

Question d is meant to direct attention to rolling a die or tossing a coin.


Section B

The equally likely outcomes are here formalized to generate random numbers.

These four methods can be tried individually or in pairs, one member generating the numbers and the other recording. Most pupils need only two of the four methods to understand the ideas (Methods 1 and 4 take longer). All are fair methods.

Method 1
This describes the construction of a decagonal spinner. A professionally made one can be used or the teacher might-like to prepare sufficient in advance as 'home-made' ones take time.

Method 2
This is shown in Table 3 to be fair. Examples should be emphasized.

Method 3
This involves using an icosahedral die. These can be bought from E.J. Arnold or Technical Prototypes. It is possible to make an icosahedron but it is time-consuming. Ignore this method if no icosahedron is available.

Method 4
(Pupils familiar with binary numbers may be interested to know that this method is based on them, putting 0 for T and I for H. THHH becomes 0111, which is 7 in binary).

The use of Table 4 should be considered with the three lines of Table 5 before the experiment is done.

In each of these methods the 40 numbers should be recorded as a list and on the tables on pages Rl and R2.

The bar charts showing frequency distribution are optional. They can be expected to be uniform, and the effect of random variation can be lessened by collecting class results.

Note that non-random numbers can also lead to a uniform distribution. E.g. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 is uniform but not random. The unique feature of random numbers is that at each step each number is equally likely to occur.


  1. This should be more or less random.
  2. This will not be random since there can be no 0's and smaller numbers are more likely.
  3. This will be more or less random unless you choose a page on which a single firm has a lot of telephone numbers in sequence.
  4. This is an important revision question similar to A5. There is usually a dearth of 0's and 9's and an absence of two successive occurrences of the same digit.

Random number tables are introduced as the printed results of carrying out some random experiment. Usually computers use arithmetic procedures to produce lists of numbers which satisfy all the standard tests for random riumbers.

Other uses of random number tables are possible and could be shown to more able pupils. For example, to get random numbers from 1 to 17 you could use two-figure random numbers. If the tens figure is even, call it 0; if the tens figure is odd, call it 1; and ignore 00, 18 and 19.


77 04 01 09 73 59 84


17 4 1 9 13 19 4

(The abundance of 7's and 9's in the truly random numbers of Table 6 should be pointed out as being quite possible.)

This is an optional section for the more able/faster pupils to do while the slower ones are catching up.

Pupils can be numbered alphabetically or by numbering desks, among other ways. It is usual in this context to have sampling 'without replacement', so if the same random number occurs again it is ignored. This is the point being made in Questions b and c. It may be worth discussing this with the class if the problem arises. An example of sampling 'without replacement' is found in C1b.


Section C

Leaflets on premium bonds are obtainable from most post offices. (Children cannot buy premium bonds, but adults can hold them in a child's name.)

Although premium bonds cost £1, they have to be bought in multiples of £5. This is not mentioned in the Pupil Unit since it would confuse the setting up of C2, the Ernie game.

  1. It is fair.
  2. It is fair since the ruling applies to all bonds.
    It is most unlikely since the proportion of winning bonds is so small. Allowing a bond to win two or more prizes is equivalent to sampling with replacement.
  3. Choice should not make any difference, as is illustrated by the game.

As described the teacher can take the part of the post office (or if you wish, this task can be given to a pupil). A 10 by 10 grid is useful here (see Equipment and Planning). As described the class will have to be split into 10 groups. If you wish, you can split the class into groups of size 11 and have several games being played at once, with each pupil buying bonds individually and one of the group acting as the post office. The suggestion in the Pupil Unit that groups should discuss strategies of choosing bond numbers is to encourage the airing of some fallacies connected with such things as lucky numbers and superstitions.

If you play the game as described, the use of a 10 by 10 grid is to ensure no two groups buy the same numbered bonds. Alternatively you could use a set of tickets numbered 0 to 99, and the groups could buy their 10 tickets in turn from you. (Books of raffle tickets can be used.) Any simple fair method of choosing an order can be used.

In order to make the prizes sufficiently large some compromise had to be made in matching this game with reality. The interest rate assumed is 10% per month to give a monthly draw. Alternatively you could use the same figures with a 10% per annum prize money and call each game a yearly draw.

A frequency table or bar chart showing the number of groups winning different amounts of prize money over the 10 months might be illuminating, especially to see how many groups won over Z10 and by how much.

In Question d pupils should realise that numbers successful in the short run have the same chance as any other set of numbers in the long run. Question e should show that pupils with the greatest choice of bond numbers had no better chance of winning, and so it does not matter which numbers you choose. In Question g the method is fair by definition of random numbers.

It may be useful to pool all these ideas together in a final class discussion. Although the money used to purchase premium bonds can be recovered, this does not mean that there is no loss involved. There is a loss of purchasing power of the £1 due to inflation. Also, if otherwise invested at 10% (simple) interest, all groups in the Ernie game winning less than £10 can be considered as losers. If the current rates of interest are higher than the effective rate being given out as prizes for premium bonds, then actual bond holders could be considered losers. Brighter pupils might like to see the effect of, say, a 15% rate being available elsewhere. People may nevertheless still buy premium bonds because of the small chance of winning a very high prize.

These questions can be answered using the complete results recorded during the Ernie game within the same sort of random variation shown in C3. It should be brought out that no strategy is better than any other.


A1 c Fair
A2 c Unfair
A3 c Unfair
A4 c Unfair
A5 c Unfair. See detailed notes.
A6 c Fair. See detailed notes.
A7 a See above.
  b No. See detailed notes.
  c See detailed notes.
  d See detailed notes.
B2   See detailed notes.
B3 c 0,4,0,1,0,3,4,3,5,5
  d 4,3,4,3,5,5,6,1,2,3
  f 4, 1, 9, 73, 35, 12, 39, 43, 64, 40 are the most likely answers.
B4   See detailed notes.
C1   See detailed notes.
C3 d No
  f No, not in the long run.
  g Yes



Test Questions

(When there is a True/ False at the end of the sentence, you are to say if the statement is true or false.)

  1. Ann, Brian and Charles play some games 21 times. Here are the results:

    Game 1

    Number of wins








    Game 2

    Number of wins








    Game 3

    Number of wins







    1. In a fair game they will always all win exactly seven times. (True/False)
    2. Game I is probably a fair game. (True/False)
    3. Game 2 is probably a fair game. (True/False)
    4. What would you do to help decide if Game 3 is fair or unfair?
  2. In ten single-figure random numbers every figure from 0 to 9 will always be there once. (True/False)
  3. Describe one way of obtaining random numbers using coins, dice or spinners.
  4. Ann is obtaining random numbers. She writes down: 3, 2, 1, 7, 3, 8.
    1. The next number cannot be 8. (True/False)
    2. The next number is more likely to be 5 than 3. (True/False)
  5. Numbers written from your head are random numbers. (True/False)
  6. Here are some ways of obtaining numbers. Say whether the numbers are random or not random.
    1. Write down the size of shoe worn by pupils in your class. (Random/Not Random)
    2. Count the number of words on a page in a book. Write down the last digit (units digit). (Random/Not Random)
    3. Measure the height of pupils in centimetres. Write down the first figure. (Random/Not Random)
  7. Here is a line from a table of random numbers.
    87 71 56 03 85 03 11 69 23 98 78 64 52 19 04 39
    Starting from the beginning of the line each time, use it to write down five random numbers.
    1. from 0 to 9
    2. from 3 to 7
    3. from 0 to 74
    4. from 25 to 70
  8. If you buy a premium bond, you can't get your money back. (True/False)
  9. In the Ernie game:
    1. Odd numbers are more likely to win than even numbers. (True/False)
    2. Some people win more prize money than others. (True/ False)
    3. Small numbers always win more prizes than large numbers. (True/ False)
    4. All sets of ten numbers have the same chance of winning. (True/ False)


1 a False
  b True
  c False
  d Play it more times.
2   False
3   Any of Methods 1-4, Section B1.
4 a False
  b False
5   False
6 a Not random
  b Random
  c Not random
7 a 8, 7, 7, 1, 5
  b 7, 7, 5, 6, 3
  c 71, 56, 3, 3, 11
  d 56,69,64,52,39
8   False
9 a False
  b True
  c False
  d True



Connections wlth Other Published Units from the Project

Other Units at the Same Level (Level 1)

Shaking a Six
Practice makes Perfect
Tidy Tables
Wheels and Meals
Probability Games
If at first...
Leisure for Pleasure

Units at Other Levels In the Same or Allied Areas of the Curriculum

Level 3

Cutting it Fine
Pupil Poll

Level 4

Choice or Chance
Testing Testing

This unit is particularly relevant to: Mathematics.

Interconnections between Concepts and Techniques Used In these Units

These are detailed in the following table. The code numbers in the left-hand column refer to the items spelled out in more detail in Chapter 5 of Teaching Statistics, 11-16.

An item mentioned under Statistical Prerequisites needs to be covered before this unit is taught. Units which introduce this idea or technique are listed alongside.

An item mentioned under Idea or Technique Used is not specifically introduced or necessarily pointed out as such in the unit. There may be one or more specific examples of a more general concept. No previous experience is necessary with these items before teaching the unit, but more practice can be obtained before or afterwards by using the other units listed in the two columns alongside.

An item mentioned under Idea or Technique Introduced occurs specifically in the unit and, if a technique, there will be specific detailed instruction for carrying it out. Further practice and reinforcement can be carried out by using the other units listed alongside.

Code No. Statistical Prerequisites  
  Ideas and Techniques Used Introduced in Also Used in
1.2a Using discrete data   Shaking a Six
Probability Games
Leisure for Pleasure
Fair Play
Wheels and Meals
If at first...
Tidy Tables
Cutting it Fine
1.3c Sampling from distributions or infinite populations   Fair Play
Cutting it Fine
1.4a Data by direct counting Shaking a Six
Leisure for Pleasure
Testing Testing
Fair Play
Cutting it Fine
2.1a Constructing frequency tables Wheels and Meals
If at first...
Tidy Tables
Leisure for Pleasure
Choice or Chance
2.2a Bar charts for discrete data Shaking a Six
Leisure for Pleasure
Cutting it Fine
  Ideas and Techniques Introduced Also Used in
1.3e Variability in samples Probability Games
Fair Play
Choice or Chance
Practice makes Perfect
If at first...
Cutting it Fine
Pupil Poll
1.3f Random numbers If at first...
1.3g Random number tables If at first...
Pupil Poll
4.3n Fairness and randomness  
5a Reading tables Shaking a Six
If at first...
Testing Testing
Wheels and Meals
Leisure for Pleasure
Probability Games
Tidy Tables
5b Reading bar charts, pie charts, histograms Cutting it Fine
Wheels and Meals
Leisure for Pleasure
Tidy Tables
5x Comparing actual with expected values Probability Games
Choice or Chance
If at first...
Testing Testing
Fair Play


Page R1
Number Tally Total

Table 8 - Tally chart for first method Chosen method.......



Number Tally Total

Table 9 - Tally chart for first method Chosen method......


First two throws Third and fourth throws Number
1 2 3 4  

Table 10 - Numbers using Method 4


Page R2
Number Tally Total

Table 11 - Tally chart for Method 4, tossing four coins.



Number Tally Total

Table 12 - Tally chart for random number tables.


Score sheet for Ernie game
Prizes Value Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Month 8 Month 9 Month 10
1 10p                    
2 10p                    
3 10p                    
4 10p                    
5 10p                    
6 10p                    
7 10p                    
8 10p                    
9 10p                    
10 10p                    
11 50p                    
12 50p                    
13 50p                    
14 50p                    
15 £1                    
16 £1                    
17 £5                    
Amount Won                    

Total amount won after 10 months £........


Page R3

Random Numbers

77  04 01  09 73  89 84  35 77  76 12  39 43  64 97  40 83  99 18  26
39  00 29  43 44  23 01  92 63  88 89  61 91  67 90  04 22  34 19  93
63  78 56  92 64  87 82  73 33  53 25  36 40  91 19  52 36  40 91  19
52  67 36  19 67  84 34  55 97  37 92  30 27  26 71  04 71  78 38  15
58  21 59  06 07  57 57  99 40  43 47  18 03  62 91  41 60  90 45  13
24  65 06  55 72  04 87  31 29  39 56  29 93  95 65  90 95  99 87  46
66  36 07  93 49  20 02  59 48  54 35  73 34  68 72  44 28  87 44  81
09  77 10  52 52  52 65  29 15  82 81  23 56  99 82  21 01  62 81  98
14  56 32  69 71  27 29  74 87  24 79  42 66  10 50  75 47  87 08  26
35  84 64  56 47  54 11  22 93  84 75  65 06  91 47  47 67  25 97  25
08  35 58  94 06  04 02  41 56  90 12  38 09  87 20  22 20  30 72  51
39  84 92  69 36  47 42  09 72  28 20  63 90  67 24  56 54  27 12  89
16  20 61  32 75  91 50  16 53  51 83  14 30  93 83  74 59  31 70  81
54  35 42  49 55  57 13  50 70  03 72  39 48  67 94  73 37  67 13  39
66  29 74  71 55  60 88  08 10  62 08  10 55  28 51  86 52  75 00  14
59  00 51  60 44  72 59  53 94  22 10  74 38  54 43  43 45  29 91  74
43  45 29  91 74  43 58  08 72  99 89  09 38  66 75  45 49  00 47  42
75  47 88  59 25  21 04  61 07  14 40  73 42  68 67  25 68  76 98  45
28  80 46  57 74  80 62  57 51  32 33  42 06  56 17  81 94  25 05  63
58  62 21  99 86  58 90  78 87  05 96  57 38  14 37  35 05  51 87  25
87  71 56  03 65  03 11  69 23  98 78  64 52  19 04  99 04  73 90  48
41  21 95  96 34  83 03  16 31  72 11  50 65  47 58  80 68  92 79  82
77  93 27  40 49  08 05  83 42  49 80  95 99  46 24  51 85  74 13  83
81  27 96  24 42  13 33  55 25  65 91  39 43  36 83  32 40  32 48  71
93  44 83  25 03  62 06  48 98  74 38  18 76  63 58  44 87  58 91  26
47  04 95  29 28  67 85  59 17  41 49  89 23  35 50  90 28  97 55  86
20  52 82  47 00  24 00  46 69  91 07  37 21  93 54  92 73  09 06  08
36  67 47  47 03  16 69  50 48  41 70  97 26  43 30  52 10  16 85  03
35  60 74  94 29  84 89  72 57  65 49  30 11  61 54  88 18  85 68  32
37  80 42  50 20  09 57  58 41  58 42  62 17  11 94  98 81  98 04  49
10  91 74  06 38  02 57  04 25  67 52  47 72  59 62  22 42  44 98  26
10  17 59  75 76  74 67  12 19  68 34  28 32  54 11  80 14  51 42  07
42  45 57  52 07  84 44  43 01  65 20  56 64  01 46  39 26  73 83  92
01  61 18  96 23  36 41  01 57  70 20  29 64  90 49  77 41  32 85  93
74  91 20  66 07  62 81  51 40  58 26  21 96  98 14  57 69  96 99  86
30  25 71  25 27  20 69  11 38  51 41  67 45  95 22  35 55  75 36  20
84  64 38  27 68  61 01  90 31  58 18  77 70  79 15  29 55  10 20  18
28  69 32  14 56  22 86  70 48  24 83  87 16  63 66  62 21  74 98  04
38  40 21  06 72  81 04  57 41  98 12  60 98  24 11  51 34  27 02  49
06  36 38  42 84  53 41  95 37  29 48  68 72  86 22  22 71  76 85  09
30  36 31  16 12  35 75  25 20  31 83  50 84  83 34  07 37  45 09  73
18  87 76  43 56  63 19  65 36  86 14  47 86  86 30  97 48  08 80  49
32  70 17  68 75  98 52  05 67  68 22  94 80  18 05  90 28  45 40  52
66  60 69  56 87  43 72  87 76  43 40  66 08  77 50  43 70  91 86  54
32  60 71  47 28  06 21  63 63  16 25  32 21  35 62  47 20  42 08  87
43  89 32  54 85  23 87  60 87  38 11  47 76  85 83  97 89  52 11  56
49  55 09  63 51  15 26  48 22  99 40  82 75  31 19  71 87  57 58  67
00  04 13  23 93  86 64  21 15  55 69  21 19  54 22  57 61  46 85  70
99  50 06  22 15  92 33  21 68  45 25  97 27  21 06  67 93  15 96  29
80  62 34  15 07  51 34  99 93  37 31  96 54  85 39  37 94  10 91  51

