Wheels And Meals Statistics In Your World 
Student Notes
Teachers Notes
Family Size
Dinners and Distance
Heights and Weights

More Facts

You will need more statistics about your class. Your teacher will arrange this.

Family Size
Find out the number of children in the family of each pupil in your class.

a Construct a table which shows how many families there are of each size.
b Draw a bar chart to represent these Figures.
c Comment on your results.


Find out on which day of the week you will have your birthday this year. You may need to look at a calendar. Give this information to your teacher.

  a Construct a table to show how many birthdays occur on each day of the week.
  b Draw a bar chart or pictogram to represent these figures.
  c Comment on your results.
* d How would this bar chart be different next year?


Find out the favourite dinner of each pupil in your class.

a Draw a table and bar chart to illustrate your results.
b How do these results compare with menus for school dinners?
c Why does the school serve some unpopular dinners?


*Dinners and Distance
Find out how many pupils in each colour band normally take a school dinner.

a Draw a table to show the results.
b How many pupils live in the red band?
Of these, how many take a school dinner?
c How many pupils live in the blue band?
Of these, how many take a school dinner?

Discuss your answers.

d Compare the pupils from other colour bands in a similar way.


*Heights and Weights
Find out the height and weight of each pupil in your class.

av Draw a graph like Figure 4 to show your results.
If your class includes boys and girls, use + to show a boy and O to show a girl.

Figure 4 - Heights and weights.

The O shows a girl 130 cm high who weighs 50 kg.

b Are most tall boys heavy?
Are heavy boys tall?
Is this true about girls?
c Write down three statements describing your results.

