Wheels And Meals Statistics In Your World 
Student Notes
Teachers Notes
Distance And Travelling
Distance And Method
Method And Time Taken

Travelling Around

Distance from School and Travelling
You will need the class data sheet and page R1.

The time you take to travel to school depends how far away you live.

Class 1Z at Wombleshire School drew up Table 4.

They used their class data sheet.

They made a tally mark for each pupil in turn (opposite the correct colour band and under the time taken). Then they added up the tally marks.

So there were seven pupils in the yellow band. Of these, one took five minutes or less to get to school.

Answer a to d for Class 1Z at Wombleshire School (see Table 4).

Colour band Distance in km Time in minutes Total
1-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21-25
Red 0 - 1/2
Yellow 1/2 - 1
Green 1 - 11/2  
Blue 11/2 - 2    
Purple 2 - 21/2      
  Total 7 6 8 6 3 30
Table 4 - Distance from school and time taken.


a How many pupils live in the green band? Of these, how many took between six and 10 minutes to get to school?
b How many pupils took over 20 minutes getting to school? Of these, how many lived in the blue band?

All the pupils in the red band took 10 minutes or less to get to school. Pupils in the purple band took more than 15 minutes to get to school.

c Why do you think this is so?

One pupil from the green band was quicker than four pupils from the yellow band.

d How might this happen?
e Use your class data sheet to fill in Table 9 on page Rl.

Answer f and g about your class. Say whether your answer came from the class data sheet or the table.

f Write down the name of two pupils who live in the yellow band and take more than five minutes to come to school.
g How many pupils who live in the yellow band take more than five minutes to come to school?

Questions h to k are also about your class. Look at the pupils who take less than 10 minutes to get to school.

h How many of these pupils live in the red band?
i How many of these pupils live in the purple band?
Why do you think this is so?

Discuss your answers to h and i with a friend.

j Does any pupil who lives in the yellow band get to school more quickly than a pupil living in the red band?
Why do you think this is so?
k Write down three sentences about Table 9.


Distance from School and Method of Travel
You will need the class data sheet and page R1.

a Do the ways pupils travel to school depend upon where they live?

Class 1Z at Wombleshire School drew up Table 5.

Colour band Distance in km Method of travel
Walk Cycle Car Bus Other Total
Red 0 - 1/2 7 2       9
Yellow 1/2 - 1 3 2 2     7
Green 1 - 11/2     2 3   5
Blue 11/2 - 2     2 3 1 6
Purple 2 - 21/2     2   1 3
  Total 10 4 8 6 3 30

Table 5 - Distance from school and method of travel.

Answer questions b and c about Class 1Z Wombleshire School (see Table 5).

b How many pupils live in the yellow band?
Of these, how many walked to school?
c How many pupils live in the blue band?
Of these, how many walked to school?
Why is this figure so different from h?
d Now use your class data sheet to fill in Table 10 on page Rl.

Answer e to i about your class.

e How many pupils live in the red band?
Of these, how many walk to school?
f How many pupils live in the purple band?
Of these, how many walk to school?
Is this figure very different from e? Why?
g How many pupils come by bus to school?
Of these, how many live in the yellow band?
How many live in the blue band?

Discuss your results.

h Compare other methods of travel in a similar way.
i Write down two more facts from your table.


*Method of Travel and Time Taken
Compare the times taken travelling to school with the methods of travel.

a What would you expect to find?
b Prepare a table like Tables 4 and 5.
c Correct anything wrong in a.
d Write down another statement from your results.

