Shaking A Six Statistics In Your World 
Student Notes
Teachers Notes
Is She Cheating?
A Bar Chart
The Middle Number
Was Ann Cheating
Many Sixes

Starting Snakes and Ladders
Some games start by throwing a six with a die. Snakes and Ladders is one of them. Ludo is another. You cannot begin until you throw a six.

Do you think this is.fair?
Would it be better for all the players to start together?
In what other ways could you start?

a Write down two of them.

Is She Cheating?
Ann, Brian and Charles are playing Ludo. Brian and Charles have started but Ann has not. She says it takes too long to get a six. Instead, she wants to throw a one to begin. Charles thinks that this is cheating. He says that he had to get a six so Ann must too.

a Is it easier for Ann to get a one?

Brian is not sure. He suggests two experiments. First they will see how long it takes to get a six. Then they will do the same for a one.

Ann throws the die until she gets a six. Charles records the result of each throw. He then counts up how many throws it took to get a six. They do this until they have thrown 25 sixes.

The results are shown in Table 1.


  Numbers showing on the die How many throws to get a six
1st time 1,3,2,4,5,1,6 7
2nd time 2,2,4,1,6 5
3rd time 6 1
4th time 3,6 2
5th time 1,1,4,5,6 5
6th time 4,6 2
7th time 1,4,5,3,3,3,2,4,3,5,2,6 12
8th time 4,4,1,3,2,6 6
9th time 3,4,6 3
10th time 5,6 2
11th time 3,1,5,6 4
12th time 2,1,4,5,3,3,6 7
13th time 6 1
14th time 2,4,2,6 4
15th time 5,4,3,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,6 11
16th time 3,2,6 3
17th time 2,3,2,4,5,1,4,6 8
18th time 6 1
19th time 5,3,6 3
20th time 4,6 2
21st time 3,2,4,1,5,5,2,1,2,3,3,5,2,1,6 15
22nd time 4,2,1,3,5,3,4,2,2,6 10
23trd time 5,1,2,1,3,3,1,6 8
24th time 1,6 2
25th time 6 1
Table 1 - Throwing a Six - Ann's Results for 25 Sixes.

You will need a die and page R1.

Work as two pairs. One pair is to find out how long it takes to throw a six. The other pair is to find out how long it takes to throw a one. One person from each pair throws the die, and the other records the results in the appropriate table on page R1.

b Do this experiment.

Exchange results with the pair working with you.

  c Use their results to complete the last column only of the other table on page R1.
  d What was the smallest number of throws you needed:
to get a
to get a
  e What was the largest number of throws you needed:
to get a
to get a
  f What is the smallest possible number of throws you could take:
to get a
to get a
  g Are you more likely to throw a six after you have thrown a one than after you have thrown a five?
* h Charles got a six on his first throw. Ann took rive throws for her first six. Who will take longer to get a six next time?
* i Is there a largest possible number of throws it could take to get a six?


A Bar Chart
It is difficult to interpret the figures in Table 1. A diagram can make things simpler. Ann drew a bar chart of her results. This is Figure 1.

She shaded in a square for each of her 25 results. For example, it took seven throws to get a six the first time. She shaded in the square above 7. The next time it took seven throws to get a six, she shaded in the square above the first one.

Figure 1 - Throwing a six - Ann's results for 25 sixes

The bar chart shows that the six turned up on the second throw of the dice five times. This was more often than any other number of throws. In other words, the most common number of throws needed to get a six was two. When there is a most common number, it is called the MODE. For Ann, Brian and Charles the mode was two throws.

You will need page R2.

a Complete the bar chart on Figure 4 to show your results.

Remember to give the chart a title. Check that you have shaded 25 squares. Compare your bar chart with that of the other pair working with you.

b What was the mode when throwing a six?
c What was the mode when throwing a one?


The Middle Number
Ann and Charles threw a six 25 times. They wrote down the number of throws it took to get a six in order of size. For example, they got six on the first throw four times, so they wrote down four 1's. Their results were:

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 10 11 12 15

Look at the '4' which is arrowed. There are 12 results to the left of it and 12 results to the right of it. It is halfway through the results when thev are put in order of size. We say that 4 is the MEDIAN. The median is the middle number.

a Copy Ann and Charles's results in order of size. Below them write your results from throwing a six in order of size. Below this, write your results from throwing a one in order of size.
b What was your median number for throwing a six?
What was your median number for throwing a


Was Ann Cheating?
Remember, the median tells you the middle number of throws you needed.

a If throwing a six is much harder than throwing a one, will the median for six be:
or smaller,
or about the same as the median for one?
b If it is equally hard to throw a six or a one, will the median for six be:
or smaller,
or about the same as the median for one?

Look at the two medians you got for throwing a six and for throwing a one.

c Do you think it is harder, easier or about the same to throw a six or to throw a one? Give your reasons.
d Would it make any difference to starting the game of Ludo if you had to throw a one instead of a six?


Many Sixes
You will need page R3.

In your experiment you threw a six (or a one) 25 times. This takes a long time, but it is not very many sixes. It would be fairer to do the experiment many times. One quick way of doing this is to collect together the results of the whole class.

Your teacher will collect your results for throwing ones and sixes.

a Complete the bar charts of Figures 5 and 6 on page R3. Your teacher will tell you how to number the vertical axes.

One will show the class results of throwing a six. The other will show the class results of throwing a one.

Look at the class results for throwing a six.

b What is the mode?
c What is the median?

Look at the class results for throwing a one.

b What is the mode?
c What is the median?

Look at your answer to Was Ann Cheating, Question c.

f Do you still think the same? Give a reason.

