Leisure For Pleasure Statistics In Your World 
Student Notes
Teachers Notes
What Do You Do?
Favourite TV Programmes
Regular Viewing
Playing Sport
Watching Sport
Musical Instruments
Youth Clubs
How Much Do You Read?

Leisure Activity

What Do You Do?

a Complete the questionnaire on page Rl.
b Record the class results on pages R2 and R3.

Favourite Television Programmes
Many people like to watch television. The favourite television programmes of Class lb of Creektown School are shown in Table 2. (The title 'other' includes all programmes that had only one vote.)

Title No.of pupils
Match of the Day 12
Bionic Woman 8
Batman 4
Dr Who 5
Other 3
Total 32
Table 2 - Favourite television programs of Class 1b

They showed these figures on a bar chart (Figure 3). Notice that there is a title, both axes are labelled and the bars are all the same width. The gaps between the bars are also the same width.

Figure 3 - Favourite television programmes of Class lb

Match of the Day is the favourite television programme of Class 1 b. For them, Match of the Day is the MODE.

a Draw a bar chart to show the favourite TV programmes of your class.
b Write down the mode.

The class decided to show their favourite TV programmes on a pie chart. The pie chart represents the whole class. The 360 degrees of the circle are shared equally between the pupils in the class. There are 32 children in Class lb at Creektown School.

32 children take up the 360 degrees in the circle. Each child is represented by 360/32 degrees.
360/32 is 11 degrees to the nearest degree.
So each child is represented by 11 degrees.
12 pupils are represented by 12 x 11 degrees, that is, 132 degrees.
Table 3 shows Class 1b's completed favourite television programme figures.
They put the programmes in order with the most popular one last to help draw their pie chart.

Programme No. of pupils Angle
Other 3 11o x 3 = 33o
Batman 4 11o x 4 = 44o
Dr Who 5 11o x 5 = 55o
Bionic Woman 8 11o x 8 = 88o
Match of the Day 12 11o x 12 = 132o
Table 3 -Favourite television programmes of Class lb

c Put your class's favourite television programmes in order of popularity on Table 9 on page R2.
d Work out the number of degrees for each pupil in your class.
e Work out the number of degrees for each programme and complete Table 9.

The pie chart for Class lb of Creektown School is shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Favourite television programmes of Class 1b.

Use the following to help you draw your pie chart. Your teacher will tell you how accurately to calculate your angles.

f Draw a circle, radius about 3 or 4 cm.
Draw a vertical line from the centre upwards.
Measure the smallest angle, draw the sector and label it. ('Other' in Class lb).
Measure the next smallest angle, draw the sector and label it. (
Continue until there is only the largest sector left.
Label it. (
Match of the Day).

Use your bar chart and your pie chart to answer these questions.

g How many programmes received only one vote?
h Was any programme the favourite of more than a quarter of the class?
i How many pupils voted for the most popular programme?
j About what fraction of the class voted for the most popular programme?
k Look again at the last four questions.
Which did the bar chart help you to answer?
Which did the pie chart help you to answer?

Regular Viewing
Many people watch some programmes regularly as well as having a favourite.

Class lb of Creektown School regularly watch the television programmes shown in Table 4.

Title No. of pupils
Match of the Day 20
Bionic woman 18
Dr Who 18
Batman 15
Charlie's Angels 12
Other 10
Table - 4 Programmes regularly watched by Class 1b

  a Draw a bar chart to show programmes watched regularly by your class.
  b Which programme is watched regularly by most pupils? Is this the same as your class's favourite television programme?
* c Why is it misleading to draw a pie chart to illustrate these regularly watched programmes?

*Playing Sport
Draw a pie chart showing the sports your class most enjoys playing. Write two sentences about the chart.

*Watching Sport
Draw a pie chart showing the sports your class most enjoys watching. Write two sentences about the chart.

*Musical Instruments
Draw a bar chart to show the number of pupils in your class playing different musical instruments. Include a bar labelled 'None' for those pupils who do not play a musical instrument. Write two sentences about the chart.

*Youth Clubs
Draw a bar chart to show the number of children in your class belonging to various youth clubs or similar organizations. Include a bar labelled 'None'for those pupils who do not belong to an organization. Write two sentences about the chart.

Draw a bar chart to show the hobbies of children in your class. Write two sentences about the chart.

How Much Do You Read?
The same Class 1b at Creektown School looked at their reading habits. They made a table of their findings.

Time in hours Tally No. of pupils
Less than 2 10
2 or more but less than 4 7
4 or more but less than 6 7
6 or more but less than 8 5
8 or more but less than 10 3
  Total 32
Table 5 - Reading time of Class lb last week.

They drew a bar chart of their results.

Figure 5 - Time spent reading by Class lb last week.

Notice that:
The horizontal axis is marked from 0 to 10.
The vertical lines are drawn at 2,4,6,8 and 10 hours.
The bars touch each other.

A bar chart of this type is sometimes called a HISTOGRAM.

a Draw a bar chart to show the time per week spent reading by your class.
b At Creektown School most pupils spent less than two hours reading last week. Make two similar statements about your class.

