Leisure For Pleasure Statistics In Your World 
Student Notes
Teachers Notes
Some Questions

Leisure Time

Some Questions
We all have some time to spend as we want. In the future we expect people to have even more spare time. We want to make the best use of this leisure time.

Think about these questions:

What do you do in your spare time?
How long do you spend watching television?
Which programmes do you prefer?
What games do you play?
What kind of books do you read?

a Write down some things you do in your spare time.
b Who would like to know which books you read?
c Why?

On page RI there is a section called 'My Diary'. During the next seven days note down the amount of time you spend each day watching television and the amount of time you spend reading. Do not count time reading schoolwork.

Spare time is leisure time. Let's see how you spend today.

On page R1 you will find a clockface headed 'Today'. The clock face is to show how you will spend this afternoon and evening (from midday to midnight).

a Start at midday and show how you will spend the 12 hours until midnight today. Your clockface should look a bit like the one drawn in Figure 1.

Figure 1

b Make a table like Table 1. Put in your figures for today.

Activity Time in hours
Eat 1/2 + 1/2 = 1
Play 1 + 3 = 4
School 21/2 = 21/2
Sleep 3=3
Other (including travel) 1/2 + 1/2 + 1/2 = 1 1/2
Table 1 - My time today

c Complete the clockface on page Rl to show what you did last Sunday (from midday to midnight).
d Make a table like Table 1. Put in your figures for last Sunday.

The times from Table 1 can be put on to a circle. There is now only one section for each activity. This circle represents the 12 hours today from midday to midnight, but it is not a clockface. It is called a PIE CHART.

Here is the pie chart for our Table 1 figures.

Figure 2 - Time spent today

  e Complete the two pie charts on page R1. These show how you spent your time today and last Sunday.
  f How do your two pie charts differ?
* g Find out how a working adult you know spent his time today.
Draw a pie chart for him.
How is it different from yours?
Did he have less leisure time than you?

