Being Fair To Ernie Statistics In Your World 
Student Notes
Teachers Notes
The Ernie Game
The Results
Number Choice

Premium Bonds - Ernie
The Government uses random numbers to pick winning premium bonds. Premium bonds cost £1. You can sell them back at any time and get your £1 back. Prizes are awarded each month. The top monthly prize in 1979 was £100,000. The top weekly prize was £75,000. The prizes must be given fairly. Each £1 bond must have an equal chance of winning a prize. This is how it is done.

A computer called Ernie prints out random numbers. Ernie stands for `Electronic Number Indicator Equipment'. The Bonds with these random numbers win prizes.

a Do you think the method of choosing prize winners is fair?
b The same bond cannot win two prizes in the same month. If the bond is chosen twice, it only gets the higher of the two prizes. Is this fair? Is it likely to happen?
c Should you be allowed to choose your own premium bond numbers?
What difference would it make?

The Ernie Game
The class will work in 10 groups. Each group will need two score sheets and 10 counters.

Each counter is worth £1. You can use the counters to buy premium bonds. The bonds are numbered 0-99. Each month there are prizes worth £10 altogether. Groups take it in turns to buy all their bonds. All the bonds are sold. Groups keep their bonds for 10 turns. At each turn random number tables give the winning bond numbers. The group with the most money at the end wins. There are 17 prizes each turn (month)

Prize value
10p 50p £1 £5
Number of prizes
10 4 2 1
Table 7 - Prizes from Ernie

How to Play: Buying the Bonds

1 Each group decides how it is going to choose its numbers (e.g. the 10 smallest available numbers).
2 Put the groups in order (use a fair method).
3 The first group decides which bonds to buy. They pay for their bonds with counters, and the teacher marks on his chart the numbers they have bought. They write their numbers in the space on their shore sheets.
4 The second group chooses its numbers from those left in the same way. The teacher marks off these numbers on his sheet, and they write the numbers on their sheets.
5 The other groups take their turns to buy their bonds. The last group has no choice. They take the last ten numbers.

Finding the Winners

1 The teacher reads out the 17 winning numbers. The first 10 each win 10p, the next four 50p, the next two £1 and the last one £5.
2 One member of each group records the winning numbers in order on his score sheet.
3 Another member of each group puts a tick on his score sheet where his group's bond wins a prize.
4 Each group works out how much prize money it has won that month.
5 Each group keeps its own bonds. The teacher reads out the 17 numbers for the next month's winners.
6 Repeat until there have been 10 months.
7 Add all the prizes for the 10 months and write it in the space on the score sheet. The group with the most money wins.

The Results
In the Ernie game, 100 bonds worth £100 were sold. Each month the prizes were worth £10. In 10 months £100 worth of prizes were given. There were 10 groups. We would expect each group to finish with about £10 prize money.
Some groups had rules to help them choose bond numbers. Other groups had little choice.

a How did you choose your numbers?
b Did you win more than £10?
c Were your numbers successful?
d Do you think successful numbers will go on being successful?
e Did the group who chose first win the most money?
f Does it matter which numbers you choose?
g Your teacher used random numbers to choose prize winners. Is this fair? Give a reason.

Number Choice
Here are some rules for choosing numbers. Use the prize-winning numbers in your Ernie game to see how well they work.

a Ann likes numbers in order. She buys bond numbers:
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19
How much would she have won in your Ernie game? What could she expect to win? Is it better to buy numbers in order?
b Brian likes prime numbers. He buys bond numbers:
7, 11, 13, 23, 29, 37, 41, 43, 61, 71
How much would he have won? Is it better to choose prime numbers?
c Charles prefers even numbers. How much money did even numbers win? Were even numbers better than odd numbers? Would this always be true?
d Check some other rules. For example, you could try square numbers, big numbers, multiples of 9, and so on.

